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[E] simworld
[E] simworld
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over 13 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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I wrong <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>
over 11 years ago
If i wanna join, what u want me to do? I got nothing on hand
over 11 years ago
Can I transfer / world edit my only valuable property (everything) to Agharta server? it seem MT will focus more in others server rather than main server now... Which mean i only play in Agharta server .....Can it be transfer?
over 11 years ago
Market, best if set rule like New join less than 30 day cant own any market stall after 30 days. FOC small stall with 4~5 item sell expand to 6~ 10 = $5,000 expand to 11~ 14 = another $5,000 each level increase is cost $5,000 max = 20,000 etc something like that..
over 11 years ago
OR, like i know few of people wanna be millionaire and they vote hard ......and reach 1M finally... and it's out of suddenly disappear 800k.... Tax is good, but it imposed in the wrong way.....
over 11 years ago